Monday, March 09, 2009

Belief VS Fantasy

For me, if one must use the word 'Religion', then define it as what is done, and what is not done, not what is believed in or not believed in.

The heavy spiritual teachers in the history of the world mostly talked about what was to be done, not what was to be believed in.

Belief can be in anything. Observation is what it is. Remaining unattached, follow observation with response. If you cannot tell the difference, then go by what is reaction, which comes from attachment and belief, and what is response, which comes from observation.

When I was about three years old, my parents went over the border into Mexico, to a border town. There was two things which I noticed, even at that young age... everyone believed in the Catholic Church, for crosses were everywhere, in the way of Mexican religious celebration processions, and when I was given a few pesos to spend, I saw a woman sitting on a blanket surrounded by children, desperately poor, and I knew in my heart that I had to give that woman my few pesos, for her need was great.

Obviously, even to my young mind it was obvious, that belief meant the people carried symbols, sang religious songs, were pious in their belief, yet the woman's need was invisible to them, sitting hungry with her hungry children.

If people opened their hearts, rather than their beliefs, there would be little pain and tragedy in the world. As is, there remains only the sour taste of pious belief among ruin.

Throw out all beliefs, and just pay attention, and the truth will set you free.


1 comment:

  1. AnonymousMay 26, 2011

    Let’s get a bit real about reforming systems and
    delivering mass-emotional wellbeing, or creating
    international harmony. And let’s get real about
    using ENTHUSIASM to help revive Earth’s failing
    environments. Let’s build a new world!
    This note is to invite you to feel the practical
    warmth and comfort of ENTHUSIASM’s social and
    health reform engagements. Please proceed with
    your own discovery of a Supernatural welfare plan
    with extraordinary gifts of infinite philanthropy.
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    Collective Energies Oz WARMICH-AUSTRLIA
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