This button shows the probability of a huge global net of random number generators. It has been observed that the probability has gotten very improbable just before global events, which nobody can explain. Improbable results showed up just before events like 9/11, and while there is no clear evidence, the theory is that mass Human Consciousness somehow causes these peaks in probability. The color of the button shows the current hourly level of probability readings.
--------------------------------------------------- What it means
Significantly small network variance. Suggestive of deeply shared, internally motivated group focus. The index is above 95%
Small network variance. Probably chance fluctuation. The index is between 90% and 95%
Normally random network variance. This is average or expected behavior. The index is between 40% and 90%
Slightly increased network variance. Probably chance fluctuation. The index is between 10% and 40%
Strongly increased network variance. May be chance fluctuation, with the index between 5% and 10%
Significantly large network variance. Suggests broadly shared coherence of thought and emotion. The index is less than 5%
These colors can fade between each other so it's possible to have, for example, a yellow-orange-ish or a green-yellow-ish color. Please don't strongly interpret the dot!
I dedicated myself to saving the planet back in 1958,after an imaginative vision of the world destroyed by nuclear war. In my 10 year old mind, it made everything I was ever taught suspect, and I vowed to find out what was really true, knowing that only the truth, defined by Universe, would lead to the survival of Humanity and our ecosystem.
Despite being sick for more than 15 years, I remain dedicated to that vision and the realizations I had because of it many times in my life. I know what we have to do, but getting people to think about it is very difficult indeed. I continue to try, for what else are our lives for?
Thank you for posting this!