Friday, March 27, 2009

Beliefs and Actions

Most of the time, what someone believes is irrelevant. They are as they are and do as they do regardless of the beliefs they have. This is especially true of organized religious groups. I have met Southern Baptists who really 'do' the ---love thy neighbor--- actions, regardless of their rigid and often hateful judgmental beliefs. I know Mormons who are also like that.

I think the bell curve applies, and the main problem with organized hierarchies of any kind is that 'power attracts the corruptible' . It's not that 'power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely' but that 'power attracts the corruptible and absolute power attracts the most corruptible' . This is why the 'powers that be', up until the hippy generation, actively sought only the most corruptible, and much of the conflict between the hippy culture and the 'establishment' came from that obvious tendency to accept only the most corruptible into hierarchies, from the kindergarten to the white house. And the main characteristic of corruptive processes is fear.

Fear allows control. The more fear built into a hierarchy, the more controlled the members. The 'technology' of control is based upon fear, and if those who fear the most, who learn to manipulate others from that fear, to use the fear of others in subtle ways to get a security for themselves, are then integrated into a hierarchy, the hierarchy stays strong and 'secure'. The oldest hierarchy on Earth is the military subculture, and it has the most rigid control hierarchies there is, down to controlling every moment of every day for every member. The common fear in each individual of every hierarchy binds the members into a single social unit, a single organism. This is why religious groups teach fear, and the fear, if one studies the actual teachings of the original teachers, like Jesus and Mohammad, one does not find teachings which promote fear. Money, government, militaries, religions, all the hierarchies which control and destroy in the world are based upon fear, even if that fear has to be instilled directly by the slaughter of innocents. This is the real reason for war, starvation, and, to some degree, even environmental destruction on a global scale.

The reason given for the slaughter of the Native Americans and their social demonizing was because they would not accept money. The tribal people took care of each other, a far more compassionate and efficient way of survival. Every treaty made by the government with the Native Americans had the use of money as it's primary concern, and the reason given for destroying them was their lack of use of money, among others.

Greed is fear. Hatred is fear. Intolerance is fear. Bigotry is fear. The reason the world is being destroyed by the hierarchies is to instill fear, because as social entities, they rely on fear to maintain their existence.

The Hippy generation, with it's lack of fear, has been the largest scare the hierarchies have had in their long history, and the Owners who control the world with those hierarchies decided to destroy the social phenomena and eliminate the hippies. To instill fear into us. And it worked pretty good.

But evolution cannot be stopped, and the institutions run by hierarchies have destroyed so much, they are threatened by their own stupid strategy, and while they try to use our fear of environmental degradation to maintain themselves, they are as threatened by it as everyone else. The same forces of evolution dissolved the Nuclear Stalemate and ended the 'cold war', because the Owners were as threatened by thermonuclear war as everyone else.

When the top of the hierarchies become afraid, they first respond with stupidity, but then, like everyone else, they also face their own conscious evolution, their own higher conscious, and that will change their behavior.


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