Sunday, April 05, 2009

The Zeitgeist Movement

I have long said on my blogs, my elists, and in emails to all kinds of people, that a Transformation was coming, was in the near future, that without it the Human species would destroy itself, either directly through weaponry, or through destroying the environment we rely 100% upon, and now I see the beginnings of that Transformation.

It's never been that I'm specifically 'Anti-' anything. It's been that all the existing systems are so destructive that despite the massive advances of technology and wealth that has been generated by the people of the world, these systems are capable of destroying us all... and will if we don't find better ways to doing things. The existing systems are, in their fantasy beliefs, conclusions, and practices, suicidal. In modern times, they are lumped together in a philosophy called 'Social Darwinism', which is the basis for Capitalism and nationalism and militarism.

I have railed about the misuse of technology, seeing that it all comes from Nature, through innovative use of natural forces, yet the social systems are made up of whole cloth, with no natural forces involved other than symbols which cause abuse of people's energy, attention, and enterprise, for the control of a tiny few. Not to mention the sacrifice of others lives on a scale far greater than the famous genocides in the past.

And it's quickly seen as the result of the perception of 'scarcity', the idea that everything comes from people, that everything is scarce, and that the system elevates the 'superior' people to get what is scarce. Such arrogance is a matter of ignoring everything that points to Nature as the real source of everything. Paying attention to nature reveals the illusion of the belief in scarcity as well as the belief in 'superiority'. We are all really equal, and we all have the same needs and requirements for life, the same curiosities, drive for knowledge, and search for happiness. We are all part of, one with, the same nature.

And the choice is not 'what do we want' anymore... it's what do we HAVE to do, to believe, to act upon, to survive.

The misapplied use of Darwin's theories, that 'Only The Strong Survive' started to fade when people found out that the Dinosaurs, the largest, strongest, creatures in the history of the world, did not survive. They died out because of events they could do nothing whatsoever about. Strength alone is not enough. And conveniently ignored by the Social Darwinist, Darwin himself said it.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” -Charles Darwin

Science and philosophy changed... they realized the true Law of Nature is 'Adapt or die'. Yet the large ancient social systems of competition, which is incredibly wasteful and destructive, did not change. They still think 'superior' people are filtered by the system so the best to rule do the ruling. The Winners win.

And the result is suicidal. The result is a ruling class that thinks the resources are infinite and if they make a profit, anything they do is right.

So along comes:

   [tsahyt-gahyst] –noun German.
the spirit of the time; general trend of thought or feeling characteristic of a particular period of time.

Now, there is a new dynamic arising...

The Zeitgeist Movement

This movement, or some effort just like it, will usher in the Transformation.

The Goal:

I will list not what it will end, but what it will provide:

  • You will be able to order and use anything you wish without working for it.

  • You will be able to do anything you wish without having to obey someone who pays you money to live on or 'support' your family.

  • You will live in an unpolluted environment that is sustainable.

  • You will have unlimited time with your family, along with whatever help you need to have good relationships with your family.

  • You will be able to travel anywhere in the world easily and comfortably.

  • You will be able to follow your interests and fully commit to creating anything you wish to do.

  • There will be very little fear in your life, and almost no crime in the world. Most crime is caused by the existing systems.

  • There will be no war or terrorism.

  • Without the stress of the existing systems, most people will be nicer and friendlier.

  • You will have a level of freedom that has never existed in the world before.

  • And you can be assured that your children and their children will live with the same security, wealth access, and beauty you have in a clean and sustainable environment of freedom.

And since the first thought you will have reading this is 'this is just another utopian dream', let me remind you that 'utopa' means 'no place'... That is, Humanity loves problems, and will create quite enough to please anyone who like solving them, but they need not be global, or kill people en mass like the problems now.

No, it will not be a fantasy utopia.

The existant cultural belief is that Human Nature is inherently evil, lazy, selfish, and competitive. 'Evil' comes from the dogma of religions that want people to think they are evil until they obey the religion, and also the horrific actions of small numbers of people in insanely slaughtering other people. 'Lazy' comes from slave owners saying their slaves are 'lazy' because they don't work hard enough for their Master's benefit. Selfish comes from those who are fearful of not having enough. The Transformation alleviates that condition. And certainly, the generosity of the people of the world belies that assumption.

'Human Nature' is every way people can be, not some horrific nasty definition that says humans are naturally evil or competitive or selfish. Thanks to the Internet, we know now that the vast majority of people on the planet volunteer some of their time and effort to help others, in large social and small personal ways.

So please, listen to the site's video, although it is long and educational, for the most important aspects of the future are not going to be 'sound bites' and 'cliches' and they will require your self-education, participation, and agreement.

"It is the integrity of each individual human that is in final examination. On personal integrity hangs humanity's fate. You can deceive others, you can deceive your brain-self, but you can't deceive your mind-self — for mind deals only in the discovery of truth and the interrelationship of all truths. The cosmic laws with which mind deals are incorruptible."

"We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims."
-R. Buckminster Fuller

The question is, do you want a better world for your children and grandchildren?

I will leave you with another quote from R. Buckminster Fuller:

"Something hit me very hard once, thinking about what one little man could do. Think of the Queen Mary — the whole ship goes by and then comes the rudder. And there's a tiny thing at the edge of the rudder called a trimtab.
It's a miniature rudder. Just moving the little trim tab builds a low pressure that pulls the rudder around. Takes almost no effort at all. So I said that the little individual can be a trimtab. Society thinks it's going right by you, that it's left you altogether. But if you're doing dynamic things mentally, the fact is that you can just put your foot out like that and the whole big ship of state is going to go.
So I said, call me Trimtab."

Saturday, April 04, 2009

The Survivable Path

The Survivable Path
Here's what has to happen to bring about
the kind of world that could actually fit
the basic concept of 'SANITY'
which is almost a synonym of 'SURVIVABILITY'.


Certain basic concepts and social structures have to fade away. (Not be conquered, not be forced, not be redirected, but actually fade away without opposition through individuals changing their minds and actions, en mass.)

There are four strategies which can bring Survivablity about.
Each is a basic of our culture which has to be turned on it's head, or the current practices will become the forces which destroy us all.

Nations... Not to be replaced by a traditional global government, the practice of delegating, or being forced by violence and threat to delegate, the individual's power to a 'official' group of people must end.

Military... The ancient and highly organized subculture of gangsters calling themselves the Military has to dissolve completely.

Economics... The use of symbols and an irrelevant and spurious evaluation of everything in terms of those conceptually rootless symbols has to end. The concept of 'exchange' between individuals is a falsehood which humanity cannot sustain in the long run. Everything comes from the ecosystem of this planet, including humans. The 'worth' of everything is a function of it's existance, and not something which has worth only in terms of human conceptuality and use.

Advertising and Entertainment... in terms of psychological manipulation, must end.

The all pervading socially promoted but actually insubstantial concepts of 'Rights' must evolve into something balanced with the perception of the ecosystem as the basic support system for all life on the planet. The concept of 'property' must fade into a use basis rather than an absolute 'right'. Without this change in the concepts of 'Rights', all other changes, of any kind, will be futile and eventually, as the ecosystem fails, humanity will become extinct.


All changes must come from the evolving perceptions and actions of the individual, however, and not forced through any violence or threat of violence. This is required or the results will not fulfill the requirements of a survive-able future.

Only a good means will create a good result.


Delegation of individual power to all heirarchies and institutions like governments, militaries, corporations, and organized churches is First of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

The solution to the problem of social control is the development and use, en mass, of geodesic democracy through computer enhancement.

Only humanity as a whole can make the kinds of decisions necessary to save this ecosystem, not a few handfuls of egocentric, greedy, power hungry morons with enough money and lying silver tongues to get mind-blinded followers to support them. With real democracy and the use of computerized technology, we can run the world without all the stupidity! (edited Apr 5, 2009)

Second, the development and use of geometrically manufactured comprehensively designed livingry, the technology of living, on massive scales.

The current concepts of totally blind expedient manufacturing has such waste built in, messes up the environment so badly by not factoring it in, and holds back so much development of environmentally intelligent technology, (not to mention the total waste... no, the antilife technology called 'weaponry',) that amid plenty, millions starve and a billion goes without basic survival requirements... and they are not starving because it is some act of God, but because the people in power either deliberately plan for their deaths or don't give a shit, and drive the conditions which kill all those people, all the while killing the ecosystem at the same time. The ultimate 'RIGHT' is the right to live on the planet and get what we need from it to do so! Technology (like food, water, air, and our lives themselves,) comes from Nature FREE, and can provide for everyone freely WITHOUT DESTROYING THE ECOLOGY OF OUR WORLD!

The misuse of Nature-derived technology is the Second Horseman of the Apocalypse...

Third, the development and use of educational strategies which teach the actual relationship of humans to the ecosystem and each other.

The spurious superstition taught by the academic subculture, stranded in it's intellectual masturbation based upon thought as the supreme seat of existence is just plain stupid. Universe is the supreme seat of existence, and the clinging to ego centered concepts of separate realities, or chaos beyond ego, leads only to spurious assumptions which led to the current global situation. It's not an accident that every meeting of people who claim the delegated power to make decisions about everyone else's lives are all taught within the same subculture, taught the same superstitions, and cling to the same cause/effect processes which are destroying the planet. Hell, the leaders of the world are all products of the same subculture, with the same limits to thought and totally impractical concepts of 'practicality'. The chambers of power are seas of 'suits' and while not all who wear suits are mind-blinded by the subculture, those who are admitted into power wear those suits as uniforms of insanity. The future of Humanity must not remain in the hands of those who only repeat the stupidity of the past!

This subculturally taught body of mixed superstition and knowledge is the Third Horseman of the Apocalypse.

And what is the fourth Horseman?

He is the common, deliberately socially created, concept of division between people that convinces people that despite the obvious connection in all ways between us, we are totally separate and all power resides purely within each one of us. It ignores the easily observable fact that everything, including our individual power, is useful only in synergy, not as separate individuals. If this 'division paradigm' continues to be the most basic axiom of human behavior, the result will be eventual dissolution of the ecosystem and therefore, humanity itself. It must become commonly understood that the difference between the individual and the social group is scalar, not in competition, that while being unique individuals, we are still One, and require each other to survive. The differences are natural and must be respected on all scales!

(All we individually have is our integrity, which is our mind's tendency to sift data to perceive truth and integrate that truth in our lives. But on larger scales, that integrity must be combined with other people's integrity to produce real changes in the way Humanity treats each other.-added Apr 5, 2009))

This --socially amplified to the Nth degree-- illusion of being separate from each other and the ecology of the planet is the Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse.


We are all One.

Like it or not! Face it or know your children and grandchildren and great grandchildren unto all the future could die or never exist because you choose to ignore it. I am not calling on your guilt or fear, I am calling upon your help, for I would not say this if I did not see a truely massive amount of data supporting this conclusion! But I believe Humanity's direction can be changed. I have great respect for the common people on this world.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

"Freedom is not Free" -US Dept of War

Something I wrote long ago, slightly edited to make paragraphs smaller:

Some of the Principles of Large Scale Social Slavery.

Partial List of Rules for keeping a population enslaved:

Prime Strategy:
To Conquer, Divide, To Keep Conquered, Keep Divided

(Call it 'government', 'corporations', 'special interests', 'religions', 'nations', 'ethnic groups', 'races', 'economics', and many more)

If applied with enough distracting interrelated synergistic control systems, the enslaved population can be any size whatsoever. An effective slave system will be taken for granted by the slaves, and their slavery not even noticed.

(Desired Result of Prime Strategy) To cause slaves to conclude everything is unchangeable and anything they hear is unbelievable... Make slaves fear each other and fear cooperating in any way outside the control systems... Make sure the slaves intrinsically blame each other cynically for everything that happens.

(Call it 'human nature' and make sure all believe it of others)

Keep the slave population totally occupied attaining the right to live. Make them base their self-worth on slaving, so they will hate anyone who does not slave away their lives. Have the very definition of a good life be slaving, and have any failure to prosper from slaving always be considered the fault of the slave, not the system.

Also, no slave is as enthusiastically enslaved or works harder, even at makework, than a slave who is convinced he or she is free.

(Call it 'work' or 'employment' and for the smart ones, call it 'professions' and let them have attitudes and specialties, so they will believe nothing but 'approved' information.)

Concentrate the slave's minds on a system of 'permission' symbols which give access to life support and goods to make their lives fractionally easier. Allow more freedom for more symbols, so slaves will seek it ever harder and give up all human decency to attain it. Have the acquisition of the symbols be the very definition of 'practical' so the system will define all activity and prevent all actions not included in the system.

Let slaves who cannot acquire the symbols die in horrible conditions of starvation, lack of sanitary conditions, diseases, lack of shelter, and make sure they are considered unworthy of life by most slaves. Sacrificing a few slaves to horrible torturous deaths has long proven to scare the rest into non-thinking obedience to the system.

(Call it 'money' and make them think what they get using it is 'theirs'.)

Force all slaves to use it whenever they cooperate in any way, as long as they give back some of the symbols each time, to support the illusion that the system is supported by the slaves.

(Call it 'taxes')

Be sure to make them believe that the symbols are theirs by virtue of their work.

Control the worth of the symbols and the availability so as to force the slaves into doing what you want without having to use direct force.

(Call it 'interest rates', 'government contracts', and 'pay')

Keep the symbols scarce, so they have to continuously work harder and harder to get tiny quantities of technologically easily made goods, and they will never notice that what they get is the tiniest of leftovers from what is taken from them...

(Call it all 'economics')

Bombard the slaves, and especially their children, with enticements to keep them motivated to consume more, and include social messages within each enticement, so they will think they are less than others in wealth.

(Call it 'advertising')

Concentrate all acts of violence and aberrant behavior as if they occur nearby, so as to keep them both fearful and cynical, convinced that 'human nature' is evil and dysfunctional everywhere, so they will never work together outside control systems.

(Call it 'news media')

Keep continuous mass shows, some silly, some sillier, and some extreme competitions to provide relief from the pressure of attaining the right to live, producing an effect worse than drugs.

(Call them 'sitcoms' and 'sports' and 'reality shows')

For every word of truth that escapes or is generated by malcontent slaves, make sure a million slightly different versions are circulated, some pro, some con. For convincing the slaves that a lie is true, place the same story out to all slaves over and over again. This will also make sure that anything that happens but is not in an 'official' story is disregarded as a non-event.

(Call it 'the media')

Divide the world up into turfs, with the enslaved populations identifying with their turf symbols, and keep an organized subculture of brainwashed fanatics for each turf, and fight them with each other as a lesson to all the slaves, to keep them in fear.

(Call the symbols 'flags' and the subculture the 'military')

Use the subculture against the turf population if control starts to slip.

Create a document each turf population will worship even if it is just words on paper.

(Call it a 'constitution')

Let them believe the document defines the rules of the 'turf', when actually it defines only their social beliefs. Cause ideological conflict between those who hold different interpretations of the document, following the Prime Strategy.

Provide an illusion of control, through a fake selection of rulers.

(Call them 'elections' and 'candidates')

Make sure a few 'Turfs' have the appearance of old style slavery, using mass murder and rule by whim by figurehead leaders, to make the slaves in turfs with fake selection of rulers appreciate the illusion of control.

Tell the Slaves that the rules make them free and that they choose them.

(Call them 'laws' and violently suppress anyone who breaks them. It's a good way to keep those who see through this process down and keep order for better control.)

In the minds of the slaves, equate the revolutionary, the violent criminal, the non-violent criminal, and the poorest of the population, so the majority of the slaves will consider them all the same threat.

Create a huge bureaucracy that proclaims to speak for God, and the slaves will follow orders and work hard even if they kill themselves in the process.

(Call it 'religion'.)

Make those slaves who reject the various God bureaucracies believe that what they think generates Universe, that their egos are the center of Universe, for then the slaves can only blame themselves, will never cooperate to change anything, and thereby never DO anything outside the control systems.

(Call it 'spirituality' or 'atheism'.)

Humanity must find it's natural way of living and loving, of organizing together for mutual support, in the expression of real human values. The idolatry of symbols and power must end!

As one of the greatest teachers in history stated;

"Ye shall know them by their love."

Some Other Thoughts:

If anything can be believed in, why believe in anything? Why hold on to conceptual fantasies when we walk around in a world so wondrous and beautiful that no amount of words, thoughts, or images can fully describe even a tiny portion of it.

The observation that 'I think, therefore I am' which is the most basic axiom of Western Civilization, is only a minor subset of the real most basic observation of life, that is 'All that is, IS'. The FORMER merely inflates the ego, declaring it supreme, and makes for concepts which destroy or despoil the world, while the LATTER, as the most basic of axioms, makes for a mind of inquiry, holding the ego secondary, and which makes for a 'benchmark' of what works and what doesn't that allows actions without destruction, true awareness of the worth of compassion, and adaptation without despoliation.

To consider ecological and cultural sanity impractical is the most extreme and subtle of insanities, yet it is the very basis of all existing subcultures on this planet. It is why conditions get worse despite all the efforts of groups and individuals who see the destruction of the environment and the tragic unnecessary sacrifice of human life and potential to poverty and ignorance.

Global social and environmental problems result not purely from individual actions... Nor will the problems be solved by any individual alone... The problems result from large scale individual actions within the axiomatic confines of social convention. To solve this problem, more and more people have to think 'outside the lines' of these social axioms and algorithms and work together to change those axioms and algorithms through group example.

Luckily, it does not take a high percentage of humanity to make a great difference, only a tiny fraction. But it is significant that there is no way to cause change through existing social outlets... they are designed to give the illusion of being a means of change, and yet not effect or alter the ongoing irrational processes of decision making whatsoever. Most of them do not realize these limitations, and would deny the existence of any limitations.

Evolution is continuing. To realize that evolution is not a process of chance but rather the intelligent actions of a planetary eco-entity that arose from biochemical and energetic processes inherent in Universe is to suddenly see that all that is going on in this world comes from ignorance of this fact. To know that conscious evolution proceeds from a synergistic consciousness made up of all the conscious beings on this planet, within a field generated by all Life on this planet, is to know that change will proceed apace and towards Global human sanity.

Knowing this gives great wisdom, and the loss of all fear, even of death, for suddenly we know we are part of something greater, which values us and which moves in our hearts and minds and in the hearts and minds of Humanity. One with all life on the planet, that life being an intelligent being, we are Evolution.

Egocentric 'spirituality' is just words. Saying 'God is love' or 'We are One.' from an ego belief is bogus unless it is preceded by the transformation of the mind through the understanding of the relationship of the ego to Universe, the realization of the Real Mind, and most of all, the compassionate actions such transformation generates. This takes great effort, for to transcend the ego is a door into sanity, and it is not done through exterior artifacts or exercises, nor through thoughts and beliefs.

Beliefs are irrelevant to the knowledge gained by the experience of dropping the ego completely and accepting the resulting perceptions. This is not a subtle phenomena, nor is it reached through any gradual 'path', but is an overwhelming, yet perfectly natural experience that lasts only moments and yet changes everything. With that experience, all doubts are lost, all fear disappears, especially of death, and all of Universe is valued to it's true measure. It causes permanent change, and that change is reflected in actions which benefit others profoundly.

This is not to say that compassion and love cannot be expressed by anyone anywhere, for the basis of our lives are our Real Mind, not our egos, and while beliefs are irrelevant to most actions taken by most people, with the ego rationalizing each action and claiming it as it's own, most of what goes on in the world is not sourced in the ego but in the Real Mind. Without this larger interaction, insane control systems would have killed off all life long ago. But despite their seeming total ubiquitous nature, the control systems are still superficial, a thin veneer over the actual dynamics of life, even human life. We but need to realize that, and get rid of the destructive corrosion.

"Work" is not what we do when we go somewhere and spend our lives following someone else's instructions doing activities that are far below our potential and which either does no good or does damage to the Planet. The Human Control system we are forced by violence to accept and which limits our existence and actions has no relationship to what is required to survive on this planet.

There is something called 'right livelihood' in Buddhism which really defines what true work is, and with an understanding of environment thrown in, Right Livelihood should guide all young people into work which will allow them to do real work in the world, work worth doing. To do work worth doing is more fulfilling in life, and better for all, than to do work which pays a lot of money, but which traps your soul into an false hell that winds down to eventual planetary death.

To live in an intentional participatory community is to live a full experience far exceeding most people's lives. The friendships, the entertainment, even the work is not much like living in the divided society most of us have experienced most of our lives. The feeling of belonging causes a security not found outside such communities, and even the problems are more interesting.

I have lived in both dysfunctional and extremely functional communities, and find that even dysfunctional communities are more interesting than living as a 'nuclear family' or alone. Dysfunctional communities don't last long, but functional communities tend to create lifelong friends. No individuality is lost, although some bad habits may fade in importance, and so much is gained, that, in my opinion, it is natural to join with others in community, and forge a future together.


"Note that the overall message is hopeful and positive, although it may not at
first seem so. In my initial comments back to Roan with whom I've exchanged ideas for well over a year, but never met in person, I wrote, in part,

"I'm glad that you end on a positive note..... and see a light at the end of
the tunnel.

My perception is that the "tunnel" isn't quite as black and full of demons as you portray it and that it's even possible to enjoy the journey through. Admittedly, billions of us on the planet suffer a living hell, but there are enough of us awakening to begin the transformation process toward the light. Thanks for the stimulation of sharing your truth. For me, it is far more useful to make 'energetic progress in the good' than to rail against that which I oppose.... which only feeds its destructive energy by adding to the amount of negativity on the planet."

(end of quote from Ed Elkin)


Ed, my friend,

I used to just think and talk purely positive viewpoints. Then one day I noticed that a large number of people I knew, who also just thought and talked positive stuff DID only negative stuff and either didn't realize it or always rationalized their actions through twisting their viewpoint to make it positive... Usually they would not think about what they actually did, and blinder their perceptions to see only what their egos wanted them to see, which allowed them to do negative or apathetic actions, for some reason they did not think about either, seeing it as 'normal' or 'practical'.

I realized that positive thinking was not enough. To understand the problem is to overcome it. To understand the problem and communicate that understanding to others is a very positive thing to do, because it helps them perceive it and then overcome it. And the solutions are never just in what we think, nor what we say, but in what we do also. Positive thoughts can be literally any thoughts, about anything, and actions can be negative even if the thoughts are positive. If ego belief is the only criteria, then anything goes and the world does not change for the better.

I am not putting negativity out into the world. I am putting positive stuff into the world, because what I am putting out is a very large set of questions each has to face when reading my posts. Even if they file away my posts in their 'crazy' or 'negative' folder, they will continue on in their lives, and Life itself will keep giving them experiences which will make my filed words jump out of the folder.

Then one day it will jump up in their laps and they will have to face the transformation of their own minds. The world will then be different to them, and they will act upon that difference, and the planet will be that much closer to survivability and the love we know is it's rightful harmony. That transformation is not conceivable to the ego, but it is as real as anything that exists.

Egocentric spirituality is pretty much bogus because it will not accept responsibility for what it does, only for what it thinks. It mistakes the Real Mind with the ego, which is like mistaking a world for a tiny stone, in scale at least. This is the essence of negativity, and is worse than cynical thought because the actions resulting will be from apathy and rationalization. The cynic at least does evil because he cannot see any alternative through his cynical thought... the egocentric spiritualist can do evil while thinking it's good.

Wishful thinking is not necessarily 'positive'. To see Universe as it is, is to know what to do, to act upon the knowledge, in physical as well as mental action. It rarely has negative results, short term, and never in the long term.

Frankly, imho, egocentric spirituality is often pure fear and results in denial no better than the German people's denial and fear as they saw Jews being carted away in boxcars. More people are being killed right now than during those days, if spread across the planet instead of concentrated, and apathy, rationalized in a million conceptual ways, is still allowing that evil.

There is a difference between judgment and perception. To perceive evil is not to condone it. Evil actions and words can be perceived, acted upon, and overcome.

Judgment is only of people, of them personally, and to judge a person can be to amplify that evil they have done, or diminish it, according to what actions (words are one kind of action) are taken after the judgment. THAT is when non-judgment can have a real changing energy to it.

To perceive evil and not do something about it, magnifies that evil, and the world's negativity is made greater. The newsletter was specifically positive, even if it pointed out negative stuff, because that stuff will not change unless folks know it exists, (can think of it in a new way so they look for the possibility that it exists,) and affects them... if they do not know it exists and affects them, they have no choice about it, because they do not know it exists. As members of it, they will instead promote it, and not know they are doing that either.

This is why saving the world is not easy -- grin

Thanks for passing the newsletter on. I respect your opinion, but felt it necessary to clarify why my messages seem negative. The world is acting in negative ways, and to change that requires more than just a positive attitude. I have a positive attitude, actually an incredibly positive attitude, or I would not have continued these efforts. I know we are far more than we think we are, and know also that we are One in ways few have perceived. That most will perceive this also is a given to me, although it takes my and others efforts to do that change, and when it is a common perception, the world will change slowly into Grace.


In other words, as said to a friend: "Calling attention to a crack in a dam is not negative, and calling attention to existing conditions is not negative if they lead to people choosing to change them. Seeing through an illusion is the only way to dissolve it, but first it is required to know it is an illusion."

Friday, March 27, 2009

Beliefs and Actions

Most of the time, what someone believes is irrelevant. They are as they are and do as they do regardless of the beliefs they have. This is especially true of organized religious groups. I have met Southern Baptists who really 'do' the ---love thy neighbor--- actions, regardless of their rigid and often hateful judgmental beliefs. I know Mormons who are also like that.

I think the bell curve applies, and the main problem with organized hierarchies of any kind is that 'power attracts the corruptible' . It's not that 'power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely' but that 'power attracts the corruptible and absolute power attracts the most corruptible' . This is why the 'powers that be', up until the hippy generation, actively sought only the most corruptible, and much of the conflict between the hippy culture and the 'establishment' came from that obvious tendency to accept only the most corruptible into hierarchies, from the kindergarten to the white house. And the main characteristic of corruptive processes is fear.

Fear allows control. The more fear built into a hierarchy, the more controlled the members. The 'technology' of control is based upon fear, and if those who fear the most, who learn to manipulate others from that fear, to use the fear of others in subtle ways to get a security for themselves, are then integrated into a hierarchy, the hierarchy stays strong and 'secure'. The oldest hierarchy on Earth is the military subculture, and it has the most rigid control hierarchies there is, down to controlling every moment of every day for every member. The common fear in each individual of every hierarchy binds the members into a single social unit, a single organism. This is why religious groups teach fear, and the fear, if one studies the actual teachings of the original teachers, like Jesus and Mohammad, one does not find teachings which promote fear. Money, government, militaries, religions, all the hierarchies which control and destroy in the world are based upon fear, even if that fear has to be instilled directly by the slaughter of innocents. This is the real reason for war, starvation, and, to some degree, even environmental destruction on a global scale.

The reason given for the slaughter of the Native Americans and their social demonizing was because they would not accept money. The tribal people took care of each other, a far more compassionate and efficient way of survival. Every treaty made by the government with the Native Americans had the use of money as it's primary concern, and the reason given for destroying them was their lack of use of money, among others.

Greed is fear. Hatred is fear. Intolerance is fear. Bigotry is fear. The reason the world is being destroyed by the hierarchies is to instill fear, because as social entities, they rely on fear to maintain their existence.

The Hippy generation, with it's lack of fear, has been the largest scare the hierarchies have had in their long history, and the Owners who control the world with those hierarchies decided to destroy the social phenomena and eliminate the hippies. To instill fear into us. And it worked pretty good.

But evolution cannot be stopped, and the institutions run by hierarchies have destroyed so much, they are threatened by their own stupid strategy, and while they try to use our fear of environmental degradation to maintain themselves, they are as threatened by it as everyone else. The same forces of evolution dissolved the Nuclear Stalemate and ended the 'cold war', because the Owners were as threatened by thermonuclear war as everyone else.

When the top of the hierarchies become afraid, they first respond with stupidity, but then, like everyone else, they also face their own conscious evolution, their own higher conscious, and that will change their behavior.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Say it like it is!

“This is what you shall do: Love the earth and sun and the animals, despise riches, give alms to everyone that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown or to any man or number of men, go freely with powerful uneducated persons and with the young and with the mothers of families, read these leaves in the open air every season of every year of your life, re-examine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency not only in its words but in the silent lines of its lips and face and between the lashes of your eyes and in every motion and joint of your body..."

Walt Whitman (introduction to “Leaves of Grass”)

Monday, March 09, 2009

Belief VS Fantasy

For me, if one must use the word 'Religion', then define it as what is done, and what is not done, not what is believed in or not believed in.

The heavy spiritual teachers in the history of the world mostly talked about what was to be done, not what was to be believed in.

Belief can be in anything. Observation is what it is. Remaining unattached, follow observation with response. If you cannot tell the difference, then go by what is reaction, which comes from attachment and belief, and what is response, which comes from observation.

When I was about three years old, my parents went over the border into Mexico, to a border town. There was two things which I noticed, even at that young age... everyone believed in the Catholic Church, for crosses were everywhere, in the way of Mexican religious celebration processions, and when I was given a few pesos to spend, I saw a woman sitting on a blanket surrounded by children, desperately poor, and I knew in my heart that I had to give that woman my few pesos, for her need was great.

Obviously, even to my young mind it was obvious, that belief meant the people carried symbols, sang religious songs, were pious in their belief, yet the woman's need was invisible to them, sitting hungry with her hungry children.

If people opened their hearts, rather than their beliefs, there would be little pain and tragedy in the world. As is, there remains only the sour taste of pious belief among ruin.

Throw out all beliefs, and just pay attention, and the truth will set you free.


Monday, February 09, 2009

We are all One -The Most Relevant Movie

We are ALL ONE -The Movie

This is very important. It's the medicine for a world.

Monday, February 02, 2009

A Change in Common Knowledge

When I was a child and then a teenager, I thought everyone lived the way I did, or at least those who lived around me in all the places I had lived in my life. I thought nothing really changed. I thought all relationships were basically the same kind of relationship I had. This doesn’t seem to have changed much among those ages, since most children and teens cannot imagine a world without cellphone and TVs and computers, etc. It’s unimaginable to most of them to think of people taking days to go from one small town to another just down the road. They can’t imagine that what takes them an hour to drive took a day for someone riding a horse.

When I became a young man, I thought things were changing into something totally new. I could see my generation questioning and behaving in ways that seemed to never have happened before. I could see the social forces of change which drew us together and threw us apart easily, in all the people in my generation. I thought we were something very new indeed.

When I was older, in my thirties, I could see that things did change, had changed, from generation to generation all through history, in every culture, despite the social structures put in place to prevent change. I could see that something altered the way people reacted, changed their perception, something subtle, yet intense. But I could not figure out what that was, although I knew from observation that it was crucial for Human survival.

When I was in my forties and early fifties, I could tell what was changing was the center of the bellcurve of reactions and attitudes. The fringes remained as extreme as ever, self-defeating knots of belief so entrenched that the individuals could not get out of those ways of thinking and acting, but the huge center of that bell curve, the masses of people, did change, in tiny increments that I could barely detect but which had profound influence on all aspects of life for everyone. I tried to understand what that was, with little success.

Then, in my late fifties, I suddenly realized that what had changed was ‘common knowledge’, the knowledge, information, experience, and even mis-information we absorb from our culture on a day to day basis. This is what changes.

For instance, I spend decades living as the only white person in a black neighborhood, and it was apparent to me that most of my neighbors were as trapped in certain attitudes as I had been as a teen. They had a ‘brotherhood’ of oppression’, which caused their ‘race’ to be the first and most important of criteria as to how to judge others. It’s not surprising, and not all black people had that attitude, but it was apparent in even the most successful black TV and movie stars.

And it was a trap, a way to keep their thinking in tight loops of self-disparagement and horrific judgment. I did a little poll once while standing in line in a community college book store. In the long line of people waiting to buy their textbooks were people of all ages and ‘races’ and religions.

I went up to each and asked “When someone approaches you, walking down the hallways, what do you notice first about that person?”

All the people who were white, oriental, or foreign replied they looked at the wealth of other person’s clothes and the attitude shown by their walk, and how likely they would be to turn violent or abusive. Inotherwords, was the approaching person a threat of any kind?

The several black people in the line independently replied, ‘I notice first what race they are’.

When I announced to the line my results to the same people still waiting for the store’s computers to start working again, the blacks were all totally surprised. They could not imagine that anyone would see ‘race’ as not being the most important factor in their brief assessment of the approaching person.

That’s when I realized why so many blacks think everyone not black is automatically prejudice, if only a little bit. If in their ‘common knowledge’ their ‘race’ was the most important of all data, and their personal and social status was determinate upon their ‘race’, then the idea that people might not see ‘race’ as high priority data would be almost unthinkable.

But now we have a black president.

For those who identify with their ‘race’ as the most important of all data, this must be a breakthrough. For the first time, they have living proof that those who say they are not prejudice against blacks, and don’t even particularly notice the color of someone’s skin, are actually telling the truth.

This is a big growth step in America and the world’s ‘common knowledge’ bell curve.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Survivable Path

Here's what has to happen to bring about
the kind of world that could actually fit
the basic concept of 'SANITY'
which is almost a synonym of 'SURVIVABILITY'.


Certain basic concepts and social structures have to fade away. (Not be conquered, not be forced, not be redirected, but actually fade away without opposition through individuals changing their minds and actions, en mass.)

There are four strategies which can bring Survivablity about.
Each is a basic of our culture which has to be turned on it's head, or the current practices will become the forces which destroy us all.

Nations... Not to be replaced by a traditional global government, the practice of delegating, or being forced by violence and threat to delegate, the individual's power to a 'official' group of people must end.

Military... The ancient and highly organized subculture of gangsters calling themselves the Military has to dissolve completely.

Economics... The use of symbols and an irrelevant and spurious evaluation of everything in terms of those conceptually rootless symbols has to end. The concept of 'exchange' between individuals is a falsehood which humanity cannot sustain in the long run. Everything comes from the ecosystem of this planet, including humans. The 'worth' of everything is a function of it's existance, and not something which has worth only in terms of human conceptuality and use.

Advertising and Entertainment... in terms of psychological manipulation, must end.

The all pervading socially promoted but actually insubstantial concepts of 'Rights' must evolve into something balanced with the perception of the ecosystem as the basic support system for all life on the planet. The concept of 'property' must fade into a use basis rather than an absolute 'right'. Without this change in the concepts of 'Rights', all other changes, of any kind, will be futile and eventually, as the ecosystem fails, humanity will become extinct.


All changes must come from the evolving perceptions and actions of the individual, however, and not forced through any violence or threat of violence. This is required or the results will not fulfill the requirements of a survive-able future.

Only a good means will create a good result.


Delegation of individual power to all heirarchies and institutions like governments, militaries, corporations, and organized churches is First of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

The solution to the problem of social control is the development and use, en mass, of geodesic democracy.

Only humanity as a whole can make the kinds of decisions necessary to save this ecosystem, not a few handfuls of egocentric, greedy, power hungry morons with enough money and lying silver tongues to get mindblinded followers to support them. With real democracy, geodesic democracy, we can run the world without all the stupidity!

Second, the development and use of geometrically manufactured comprehensively designed livingry, the technology of living, on massive scales.

The current concepts of totally blind expedient manufacturing has such waste built in, messes up the environment so badly by not factoring it in, and holds back so much development of environmentally intelligent technology, (not to mention the total waste... no, the antilife technology called 'weaponry',) that amid plenty, millions starve and a billion goes without basic survival requirements... and they are not starving because it is some act of God, but because the people in power either deliberately plan for their deaths or don't give a shit, and drive the conditions which kill all those people, all the while killing the ecosystem at the same time. The ultimate 'RIGHT' is the right to live on the planet and get what we need from it to do so! Technology (like food, water, air, and our lives themselves,) comes from Nature FREE, and can provide for everyone freely WITHOUT DESTROYING THE ECOLOGY OF OUR WORLD!

The misuse of Nature-derived technology is the Second Horseman of the Apocalypse...

Third, the development and use of educational strategies which teach the actual relationship of humans to the ecosystem and each other.

The spurious superstition taught by the academic subculture, stranded in it's intellectual masturbation based upon thought as the supreme seat of existence is just plain stupid. Universe is the supreme seat of existence, and the clinging to ego centered concepts of separate realities, or chaos beyond ego, leads only to spurious assumptions which led to the current global situation. It's not an accident that every meeting of people who claim the delegated power to make decisions about everyone else's lives are all taught within the same subculture, taught the same superstitions, and cling to the same cause/effect processes which are destroying the planet. Hell, the leaders of the world are all products of the same subculture, with the same limits to thought and totally impractical concepts of 'practicality'. The chambers of power are seas of 'suits' and while not all who wear suits are mindblinded by the subculture, those who are admitted into power wear those suits as uniforms of insanity. The future of Humanity must not remain in the hands of those who only repeat the stupidity of the past!

This subculturally taught body of mixed superstition and knowledge is the Third Horseman of the Apocalypse.

And what is the fourth Horseman?

He is the common, deliberately socially created, concept of division between people that convinces people that despite the obvious connection in all ways between us, we are totally separate and all power resides purely within each one of us. It ignores the easily observable fact that everything, including our individual power, is useful only in synergy, not as illusionary separate individuals. If this 'division paradigm' continues to be the most basic axiom of human behavior, the result will be eventual dissolution of the ecosystem and therefore, humanity itself. It must become commonly understood that the difference between the individual and the social group is scalar, not in competition, that while being unique individuals, we are still One, and require each other to survive. The differences are natural and must be respected on all scales!

This --socially amplified to the Nth degree-- illusion of being separate from each other and the ecology of the planet is the Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse.


We are all One.

Like it or not! Face it or know your children and grandchildren and great grandchildren unto all the future could die or never exist because you choose to ignore it. I am not calling on your guilt or fear, I am calling upon your help, for I would not say this if I did not see a truely massive amount of data supporting this conclusion! But I believe Humanity's direction can be changed. I have great respect for the common people on this world.