Saturday, May 17, 2008

My search for the Truth... (Re: Owners)

Read the message below this message before reading this message. grin. Both are emails to elists I decided I wanted on my blog.
You cannot offend me, so no problem there. Grin. Thanks for posting your thoughts. We need to do more of that if we want the world to survive.

I don't have 'credentials' or anything but my own search for the Truth. I define Truth by what I have determined to have actually happened, not by other people's theories or opinions about the Truth. But even that goes on a scale with 'very probable' at the top and 'very unlikely' at the bottom. I trust only my own senses and my own talents as far as what happened, and that's while knowing that my brain filters my sensory input to some degree.

The story of the Owners did not come from idle speculation. When I was 10 years old, I realized the world could be sterilized by a thermonuclear war. That was obvious to everyone. From that point on, I refused to believe anything I was told, which made life in school pure hell. Being a military dependent, we moved a lot, almost every year, and in each place, the people had different ways of looking at things, assembling the data in their minds, and their opinions were incredibly different although in each place we lived, there was a 'common sense' which held certain basic beliefs and attitudes that marked that place and the way the people lived and talked and acted. This got me very curious about why these differences existed, common to each place we lived, and how were the differences alike in the wider function of thought.

When I graduated, I started a series of experiments to find out what was really going on. I became a Green Beret to study the subculture I was raised in, and after I dropped LSD, which showed me my own basic beliefs and attitudes, giving me a chance to expunge them or alter them or accept them based on experience, I became a real headache to the military and they were very glad to get rid of me. I did as I pleased yet they couldn't bust me, which really shook their tree. I've told the story of what happened during the Great March on Washington, the Moratorium, and how the 82nd Airborne Division refused to go to Washington and kill the protesters. That shook me up big time, since I had no inkling before that experience that there was something larger than purely individual humans and their actions.

After I got out, I traveled extensively and joined many groups to see how they thought. I hitchhiked across the country over and over again, just because when they pick up a hitchhiker who was interested and would listen, (who they would never probably see again,) complete strangers from all walks of life would tell their deepest secrets and attitudes and opinions and life experiences to the strange hippie sitting next to them in the darkness.

I figured out that it was the pattern of beliefs and experiences which created their deepest world models, and then I set out to find out what changed their beliefs and the filtering of their experiences. That's when I realized that social subcultures were larger than any individual yet caused intense changes in each individual's way of looking at the world. So I started studying social subcultures. Remember, beyond my constant obsession with sex, I had a great motivator... I thought the world might well sterilize itself, and I didn't want that to happen. The Universe is too beautiful and intense to just blow away the sensory experience of a planet full of life.

I realized that the social subcultures had to start sometime, there had to be a first time, a first decision by a single person, to create the social subculture which had ballooned out into the world from that time on. SO I started studying pre-history and history, looking for that first time by the absence of it before that first time. Since almost everything I read was biased towards 'western civilization' and those sets of ideas and attitudes, I decided to go by evidence instead of theory, and form my own theories. I spent years studying in libraries and every source of info I could find, using the archaeological artifacts found to base my study on, since the theories and conclusions I found were so incredibly slanted.

Then I realized one day that I was slanting the evidence. I had studied hundreds of thousands of little bits of data, artifacts, locations, etc, but the pattern I was getting was still obviously slanted. (Take two window screens and put them together, one on top of the other, then look through them as you turn one of them. You see patterns, and only when the patterns line up can you see through the screens clearly. That is how I knew I was slanting my conclusions.)

So I decided I had to see the world the way our most ancient ancestors saw it.

I went to the high desert in California, in Owens Valley, and lived in a cave without any technology at all. The experience was profound. I cast out all my previous ideas and tried to live like the nomadic no-tech people we came from. I ate what I could find, bugs mostly, small lizards, mice, etc, without cooking any of it. I wore only a loincloth because if the local ranchers saw a long haired man running naked through the desert and the Alabama Hills, (the place in Owen's Valley I had my cave) they might well shoot me.

After nearly a year, as the winter came on, I left the cave and went down to San Diego. I had learned something very important. I knew I would not survive in the desert alone during a winter. Social cooperation is essential for humans to survive. More eyes for predators, more hands to find food to share, and more brains to figure out problems. Interdependence is a survival trait for us and all life on the planet. (And love is the strongest glue for Interdependence. Love is ubiquitous, although the word is not antiquate to describe the reality.)

I learned how the world looked to the most primitive of peoples. So after that, I started to reintegrate all the data my mind was carrying, and it all pretty much fell into place. It comes down to 'what had to be discovered before the next thing was discovered which led to the next piece of technology which caused what changes in the social structure and interaction in tribes'.

I do not claim that what I told about our origins and the Owners is completely factual. That is, that my exact order of what came first and what came from that is perfect. It is a theory, but not a myth. I cannot list the huge number of artifacts and discoveries about the past that I sifted through, nor quote sources and all that. My talent never worked that way.

I continued to study prehistory, history, and our own culture. I realized that there was a pattern through it all, globally, which was by far the strongest of patterns, which defined our existence in the Human Culture more than anything else but one thing... natural interdependence. Natural interdependence is what keeps us alive, and the other pattern, the pattern that points to 'Owners' is like a thin layer of rust on the surface of something truly beautiful.

When I realized that those with the most resources and control over populations did not just disappear when their civilizations 'ended', I looked for the causes of that ending and what those powerful people did when that civilization ended. They destroyed their environment or used up the resources and then moved. They took it with them. And it was obvious also that they had a technology of social control that was largely not known of by most people, even now. The Farm was part of that discovery process, much like living in the cave. But the Farm, regardless of it's faults, had the most beautiful expression of natural interdependence I could find in the world. I learned a lot from it.

While coping with my deteriorating health, trying to find an income by learning and using computers, begging for money to live on, and all that, I was still searching for what was in the gaps in the patterns. By the time of the Bush Coup, I was sure about the Owners and the way the world would be going... (I was right about Gore winning that election, btw. He did, but it was taken away form him. That was a piece of the pattern that showed me the division between the older and younger generations of Owners.)

It is not a conspiracy. It's older than any conspiracy. Conspiracies think a group of people are trying to take something away from us, our rights, or our wealth, or something... but this is much more than that. We never had anything in the first place. The illusion of rights, wealth, or something was, and is, very tight in people's minds, but it is not real. It's not a new conspiracy, it's business as usual.

I've said in many posts that the Owners have a Tiger By The Tail. Regardless of who they are, how organized they are, if they are organized, or any other factor... the people who make the decisions which define the decisions we have to make, have a tiger by the tail. Less than 1% of the world's people OWN 99+ percent of the world's stuff, land, etc. You can read that in almost any encyclopedia. Bucky Fuller's World Inventory of Resources found that decades ago, 'in the last millennium'... (I love saying that phrase) and it seems to be true.

We have one natural right that cannot be taken from us. It exists in the tightest prisons and in the most totalitarian countries... we can communicate. Humans communicate. It is part of our social instinct and cannot be denied, as the Quakers found out when they built prisons where the criminals were totally alone and unable to communicate. It was a true experiment, although they didn't know it at the time. The prisoners went insane, the ones who did not find some way to communicate.

And communication produces expansion of the mind. It also produces confusion, fusion, doubt, certainty, emotions, and for some, comprehension. It is a principle of science that an experiment is not done until the results are communicated. My life has been an experiment, and I'm communicating. Believe it or not. I don't care about that. I've been on the thin edge of death for too long to worry about other's opinions. I can only speak my own conclusions and fear no man. Do the research yourself if you need proof, for only that way can you actually understand what I wrote. YOU have a head start, simply because of the ideas I have communicated. You can look for affirmation or rejection of those ideas. I started out only with the fact that my elders (the grownups) were insane, all of them, and, BOY, I've been proven right about that! LOL!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Where did the Owners come from?

There is a tiny number of people who essentially own everything on the planet.

They own the holding companies who own the banks who own the mortgages who own almost all the property everywhere. Far less than 1% of the world's people owns 99.9% of the world's resources. They run the money game, the political game, the military game, the infrastructure, the manufacturing, and the government, and even instigate control systems, social algorithms, so subtle and silly, you practice them every year, like Christmas, thinking they are merely social celebrations.

Once, they were very hands-on, directly controlling everyone's lives, back when there was only a million or so people on the planet. Now they do it indirectly, making the decisions and having others carry them out. Remember, there was a first time, a first decision, a first action for everything that Humanity has done and is doing. An individual was faced with a crises and the future proceeded from his or her decision as to how to handle that crises. Also, they are not rich. They are beyond rich. They can have anything they want, including life and death, just by asking. They have others, underlings, who handle the money for them when its necessary to use it.

You have never seen nor met one, because their survival is based upon never having their names mentioned, never having a photo shown, never having a newspaper article written about them... They are beyond all our media, and thus we do not know they exist.

They are no group you have ever heard of, none of the groups so often talked about, like the Trilateral Commission, or the Bilginburgers, (sic?)or any of the conspiracy theory targets. But they set those groups up as straw men, to take the karma of the Owner's decisions. And through their employees, they hire our Presidents, run our election shows, and even control much of what you see on TV. They do it through proxy, through hirelings, through those who want to be in the public eye and who will stay bought.

As I said, you don't know them, but they are the people who decide what options you will get to choose from. The rats don't design and build the maze, and they think they have a choice of where to run, but we all know their choices are made by the researcher who did design and build the maze.

This is how I think they came into being, millennia ago. I wrote this for an elist of close friends, but I think it should be considered by everyone. After all, it's our world, regardless of their manipulations.

I want to say a little about the Owners. (a little? ROFL!) I suggest that those who don't want to read something complicated and which you might consider speculation or seemingly irrelevant skip this message. I have to start at the beginning, so it willlll be long winded.

There are two 'philosophies' battling it out in the world now, and which have battled it out for many, many millennia, from a time long before the Agricultural Revolution. The two views are 'Mother' (female) and 'God' (male). I'm not saying that men have one philosophy and women another, but that back in the beginning, the people saw the world as feminine, (where we get the 'Mother Earth' label.) That view was from the fact that Humans didn't survive because of their own efforts... they could easily tell that the environment was the source of their survival and good times and bad came from environmental factors. Since the process of birth and death was the source of their survival, they saw nature as female.

When we evolved, women were the most important gender in the tribe, for the tribe's survival. They were highly valued because you could lose most of the men to predators and the tribe would continue, but if you lost most of the women, the tribe would die out. This factor had evolved Humanity with males having massive upper body strength and women having massive lower body strength. Upper body strength because men would stay and try to bluff predators as the women ran away, escaped, with the children. Losing a male was not considered tribe threatening, although grieved, of course. Losing a woman was a terrible blow to the tribe's survival. Enough were lost through childbirth alone to make surviving women extremely important to tribal (and therefore family) survival. At that time, the females chose the males to lead the tribe, not like a boss, but like a guide, like in Ape tribes. If the women didn't like what the lead male wanted to do, they simply paid attention to another male and that male became the leader. Call it 'instinctive voting' since it wasn't conceptualized. The tribe was always centered around the females.

Later, Hunting technology was discovered. It was primarily a male job, because of that male upper body strength allowed the use of clubs and spears to kill big animals. So the males hunted and the females and children gathered. (Not that the roles were so tightly divided in most tribes, but the distinction was there in every tribe I studied.) The result, socially over eons, was the Hunting Lodge, where the males would plan their hunts. This is the first indication of actual hierarchy. The oldest male, even if he was not currently able to hunt, was valued because he knew the strategies of the hunt better than anyone else. He was the Hunter Lodge Leader, and he carried a lot of social position. The oldest Hunters kept trophies to show his skills to those who came after, to the young brash new hunters who wondered why anyone listened to the old guy. (He killed THAT! OMG!)The expertise of the Hunter Leader meant success or not, and from this came coordination of a group for a specific purpose.

For a long time, supplanting the female leadership, the Hunter Lodge called much of the shots. As time went on, it used intimidation to take over the control of the tribe, making women into 'trophies', which is the basis of all economics and concepts of possession. Nature became the trophy of the Hunter Lodge Leader, because he controlled the hunt, and the hunters devalued the women's perspective and decided that there must be someone 'out there', a male, who looked after the Hunters and the Tribe. This was the basis of the male God figure.

Later, the women, in their gathering of tiny seeds, needed a way to carry them. So they invented baskets. When they put the seeds in, they would leak, and the next time the Tribe came through that area, they found the same plants growing closer to camp, along the trails they had made the year before. Then they started 'giving back' some of the seeds to Mother, finding that when they did, the food grew even closer than before. The soil around long time migration camps was particularly fertile, of course. They were 'manured' by the people who camped there. This process of learning about seeds and such went on for a great many generations.

Eventually, the problem with losing seeds through the baskets was solved by layering the inside with mud. When it dried, it made it leak proof, at least for tiny seeds and berrys, and at some time, a basket caught fire and created the first ceramics. Ceramics was arguably the most important technological discovery in human history, because it allowed farming. By making a pot, covering the top with leather, and burying it, the Tribe could store seed for the winter. This meant more children would survive the lean winter times in areas where going south was not possible. (mountain ranges, deserts, oceans, big rivers, etc) Some of the seed would rot, using up the available oxygen, and the bugs would die.

(It is likely that Leonardo Da Vinci types, on the edge of the Human bell curve of attributes, existed in almost all generations. So the discovery and use of technology probably was not a slow steady thing but a case of sudden discovery and applications by single individuals with new methods and technologies adopted because they were obviously more productive.)

The advantage of agriculture was obvious, and when people started planting seed in the Spring, and getting large crops of food which they could store, the Agricultural Revolution was underway.

Agriculture spread amazingly fast around the world. Tribes gave up hunting as the most important food source, and the Hunter Lodges had to accept the fact that growing food was better than hunting it. Their children were the best evidence they had to that amazing technology. So, in some tribes, the Hunter Lodge settled down. (The Hopi Tribe's Hunter Lodge, for instance, settled down and built Kivas, which no women could enter, but the females own the land and everything else. In the bottom of the Kiva was a ceramic jar with the seed corn for next year's crops.)

Tribes which accepted this huge change in philosophy tend to be peaceful, and not male dominated. Why? Because agriculture is very female based. The seed is pushed into the womb of the Earth, a plant is born, and gives itself up passively to become the people when eaten. The philosophy of the ancient female worldview was essentially proven even to the males.

But somewhere, dunno where, a Hunter Lodge Tribe had enough food and good environmental factors to remain Hunters. They did not accept the Agricultural Female worldview, and with so many tribes now stationary in rich growing lands, their response was to strengthen their Hunter Lodge philosophy and look down on the agricultural tribes as essentially 'prey'. Then, when the climage changed and the winters grew much worse, the Hunter Lodge was faced with major starvation. So their Leader declared that agricultural people were fair game... literally, fair game. Animals that ate grain like the game hunted by the tribes Hunter Lodge. (There has to be a first time for everything, and a single individual who made a decision.) So first they raided the Agro Tribes, then enslaved them. They were Hunters, and remained Hunters, if only in philosophy and definitions. They set up the first two tiered system, Hunters who no longer had to hunt on the top, and Agricultural people on the bottom, supplying them with whatever they wanted.

I will forgo the invention of money and all that. I'm writing a message, not a book. grin. Suffice it to say money came from military script, a way to control slaves.

I think the Owners are the ancient families that first started 'civilization' through enslaving the agricultural tribes, back after the Agricultural Revolution. I think when they destroyed the environment in one place, they moved on and started another civilization elsewhere. Since they had sex all over the place, I daresay most of us are related to them in the same way everyone is related to everyone else. But the identity of the Owners is along lineage, and there are likely far more of them than anyone imagines, although many of those people do not know it even as they reap the benefits of their family connections.

What they learned, back at the beginning when they were first trying to control the first slaves is a technology also, a technology called 'militaries', then 'politics', which included, once it was invented, 'economics'. The military is likely the closest thing to the primitive organization of the original Owners, and it remains the most powerful of all multi-generational subcultures. The technology of control of mass populations was well developed by the time of the Romans, but the fact that the Romans unwittingly poisoned their leadership showed that the brute force, hang a thousand people up on crosses in plain sight, kill every tenth man, etc, was not the best way to control the population. "To conquer, divide. To keep conquered, keep divided."

So many more ways of controlling people was invented and used, which leads to our present situation. We cannot survive the Owner's continuing control. But the only hope we have is to help them see why we cannot survive their Hunter philosophy. We must expand their minds.