Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Survivable Path

Here's what has to happen to bring about
the kind of world that could actually fit
the basic concept of 'SANITY'
which is almost a synonym of 'SURVIVABILITY'.


Certain basic concepts and social structures have to fade away. (Not be conquered, not be forced, not be redirected, but actually fade away without opposition through individuals changing their minds and actions, en mass.)

There are four strategies which can bring Survivablity about.
Each is a basic of our culture which has to be turned on it's head, or the current practices will become the forces which destroy us all.

Nations... Not to be replaced by a traditional global government, the practice of delegating, or being forced by violence and threat to delegate, the individual's power to a 'official' group of people must end.

Military... The ancient and highly organized subculture of gangsters calling themselves the Military has to dissolve completely.

Economics... The use of symbols and an irrelevant and spurious evaluation of everything in terms of those conceptually rootless symbols has to end. The concept of 'exchange' between individuals is a falsehood which humanity cannot sustain in the long run. Everything comes from the ecosystem of this planet, including humans. The 'worth' of everything is a function of it's existance, and not something which has worth only in terms of human conceptuality and use.

Advertising and Entertainment... in terms of psychological manipulation, must end.

The all pervading socially promoted but actually insubstantial concepts of 'Rights' must evolve into something balanced with the perception of the ecosystem as the basic support system for all life on the planet. The concept of 'property' must fade into a use basis rather than an absolute 'right'. Without this change in the concepts of 'Rights', all other changes, of any kind, will be futile and eventually, as the ecosystem fails, humanity will become extinct.


All changes must come from the evolving perceptions and actions of the individual, however, and not forced through any violence or threat of violence. This is required or the results will not fulfill the requirements of a survive-able future.

Only a good means will create a good result.


Delegation of individual power to all heirarchies and institutions like governments, militaries, corporations, and organized churches is First of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

The solution to the problem of social control is the development and use, en mass, of geodesic democracy.

Only humanity as a whole can make the kinds of decisions necessary to save this ecosystem, not a few handfuls of egocentric, greedy, power hungry morons with enough money and lying silver tongues to get mindblinded followers to support them. With real democracy, geodesic democracy, we can run the world without all the stupidity!

Second, the development and use of geometrically manufactured comprehensively designed livingry, the technology of living, on massive scales.

The current concepts of totally blind expedient manufacturing has such waste built in, messes up the environment so badly by not factoring it in, and holds back so much development of environmentally intelligent technology, (not to mention the total waste... no, the antilife technology called 'weaponry',) that amid plenty, millions starve and a billion goes without basic survival requirements... and they are not starving because it is some act of God, but because the people in power either deliberately plan for their deaths or don't give a shit, and drive the conditions which kill all those people, all the while killing the ecosystem at the same time. The ultimate 'RIGHT' is the right to live on the planet and get what we need from it to do so! Technology (like food, water, air, and our lives themselves,) comes from Nature FREE, and can provide for everyone freely WITHOUT DESTROYING THE ECOLOGY OF OUR WORLD!

The misuse of Nature-derived technology is the Second Horseman of the Apocalypse...

Third, the development and use of educational strategies which teach the actual relationship of humans to the ecosystem and each other.

The spurious superstition taught by the academic subculture, stranded in it's intellectual masturbation based upon thought as the supreme seat of existence is just plain stupid. Universe is the supreme seat of existence, and the clinging to ego centered concepts of separate realities, or chaos beyond ego, leads only to spurious assumptions which led to the current global situation. It's not an accident that every meeting of people who claim the delegated power to make decisions about everyone else's lives are all taught within the same subculture, taught the same superstitions, and cling to the same cause/effect processes which are destroying the planet. Hell, the leaders of the world are all products of the same subculture, with the same limits to thought and totally impractical concepts of 'practicality'. The chambers of power are seas of 'suits' and while not all who wear suits are mindblinded by the subculture, those who are admitted into power wear those suits as uniforms of insanity. The future of Humanity must not remain in the hands of those who only repeat the stupidity of the past!

This subculturally taught body of mixed superstition and knowledge is the Third Horseman of the Apocalypse.

And what is the fourth Horseman?

He is the common, deliberately socially created, concept of division between people that convinces people that despite the obvious connection in all ways between us, we are totally separate and all power resides purely within each one of us. It ignores the easily observable fact that everything, including our individual power, is useful only in synergy, not as illusionary separate individuals. If this 'division paradigm' continues to be the most basic axiom of human behavior, the result will be eventual dissolution of the ecosystem and therefore, humanity itself. It must become commonly understood that the difference between the individual and the social group is scalar, not in competition, that while being unique individuals, we are still One, and require each other to survive. The differences are natural and must be respected on all scales!

This --socially amplified to the Nth degree-- illusion of being separate from each other and the ecology of the planet is the Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse.


We are all One.

Like it or not! Face it or know your children and grandchildren and great grandchildren unto all the future could die or never exist because you choose to ignore it. I am not calling on your guilt or fear, I am calling upon your help, for I would not say this if I did not see a truely massive amount of data supporting this conclusion! But I believe Humanity's direction can be changed. I have great respect for the common people on this world.