Friday, November 28, 2008

Another response to the conversation about future human survival.

I think the social evolution of humanity is retarded, not because of inherent 'human nature', because human nature is every way people can be, but because we made a terrible mistake long ago, back at the beginning of the agricultural revolution. The society we live in which has those characteristics you describe came from the division of the world into 'hunter' tribes and 'agricultural' tribes, the hunter tribes following a social paradigm based upon 'winning and losing', male dominance, and 'ownership of nature'.

The agricultural tribes were based upon 'unity and cooperation', equality, and symbiosis with nature. The struggle for consciousness in the world is still pretty much defined by these social determinants, with the whole 'economics/military/nation-turfs' orientation on large scales and 'individuality/property/competition' on individual scales coming from the hunter tribe paradigm.

The agricultural paradigm fits nature more, and provides more real wealth in terms of basics of survival, while the hunter paradigm is mostly so ego diseased, it produces far more psychopaths and destroys nature. While the sane agricultural paradigm is making headway due to science discovering the harm the other paradigm causes, the hunter paradigm holds tight to the illogic of the military and economics, which remains in power worldwide, causing massive harm to the world and to humanity.

I'm not specifically talking about farming people or farming society in the here and now... because the overall social dynamic contains both paradigms, and both are active, with the female population tending to think in the agricultural paradigm and the men thinking in the hunter paradigm. Although science has shown overwhelmingly that the cooperation of species theory provides survival for most of the planet's lifeforms, the idea that competition of species is the evolutionary dynamic is still the dominant concept among most of the planet's population.

Also, the academic subculture is almost completely hunter paradigm dominated, although within academia itself, it is not the prevailing dynamic. The result is that what is taught in schools is institutionalized obedience to academia and the hunter paradigm. This is especially apparent in terms of school taught versions of the history and justification of 'economics' which still teaches that money came from the need for a common trade symbol system.

The ancient mistake that caused this insane social dynamic is the use of violence to enslave humanity in the name of psychopathic selfishness, which led to 'godkings' and the entrenchment of slave control systems like money, organized religion, politics, and the military.

It is important to realize that regardless of what people say or think, they basically follow the agricultural paradigm moment to moment in their daily lives, even while cooperating in the economic and military systems. If economics and the military were the acting paradigm in everyone's lives, we would have nothing but chaos, violence in the streets, torture, and bloodletting everywhere and Humanity would have died out long ago. But the fact is, most people are willingly peaceful, cooperative, and non-selfish most of the time, working together to create a better world for at least them and their families and often giving to larger scale efforts.

The hunter paradigm explains this cooperation of humanity in survival as a product of fear, known as 'the law', and backed by violence and torture. Actually, human survival comes from the cooperation of humanity as a natural response, not as something forced.

Peace and Good Health

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Conversation about Human Survival

Ongoing conversation about Human Survival started by Stephen Hawkings at

My response to a posted message saying that Humanity was not going to survive even another one hundred years:

What does 'pure happenstance' mean? I don't believe in some all powerful invisible friend creator either, btw. I think it is the belief in a god that creates fear of death in people. Uncertainty also causes fear of death in people. I just don't think it's necessary to torture oneself with uncertainty or belief.

I don't fear death whatsoever. Why bother?

I see so many empty grunts being used in society for undefined concepts, like wild cards in every conversation, and apparently in people's minds. 'Infinite', 'emptiness', and even 'death' seem like just meaningless grunts to me. The fundamental foundations of communicated meaning seem fictional to me, creating meanings out of thin air... no, less than that... purely from imagination.

I see no reason why Humanity shouldn't survive until the Universe becomes cold and dark, or hot and heavy, or whatever happens.

Why? Because nobody can find any 'emptiness' in Universe. Nor can they define 'Infinite' beyond 'more than we can count', yet all the experiments and observations shows limits to everything. At the same time, physics has discovered that what we think is matter, is actually just cohesive energy, and it's everywhere, filling all of space. And so far, it cannot be created nor destroyed. E=MC^ does apparently describe Universe.

What does that mean for each of us? It means that intelligence and awareness are fundamental phenomena of Universe, even if it only occurred on this planet. -which is unlikely. It's probably everywhere it can exist, like fire or rain. It also means that we, as physical systems made up completely from the environment, are not as insular as we thought. We are in no way separate from Universe. We come from it and go to it. So much for 'death'.

Where does an ice cube go when it melts? Should the ice cube be afraid of melting?

Another basic characteristic of energy is that it is always changing. It never stays the same from instant to instant. Since change is therefore a basic of existence, should we be afraid of change?

In complex systems, like Humanity on Planet Earth, how things change is not particularly predictable. But there is more to it than the fragile view takes into account. The past Mass Extinction Events (MEE) were all caused by outside forces or internal planetary forces, not by the behavior of the life system itself. Each time this planetary lifeform was nearly wiped out by an MEE, the evolution of the remaining life went in the direction of more complex organisms.

After six known MEE in our planet's history, we resulted, and we are the most complex evolution so far. Nothing we do comes purely from our minds or are created by us. We discover in Nature a phenomena and exploit it for our own use. We call that 'technology', which is primarily different forms of leverage. The fact that all we do comes from Nature indicates to me that it is very likely our use of technology is part of why we evolved. We have no niche in Nature. I think we are between niches.

I think we evolved to save the planetary life from MEEs and transport the ecology to other star systems so no single MEE can destroy all life. I think we are the reproductive system of the planetary ecology.

Everything in Nature, every species, employs that strategy in it's attempt to survive. It's why species that become too specialized do not tend to survive major changes. Adaptive flexibility seems a requirement for survival.

Yet, we fill our conceptual/social minds with systems, purely in our behavior with each other, that tend to be rigid and specialized. The conflict between the need for flexibility and the rigid concepts/social dynamics is what is causing the harm to the planetary ecosystem. So to survive, we need to think differently.

Will we manage to change our minds and therefor our behavior en mass before accumulated error all catches up with us? That is yet to be seen. I personally think it will, because I think we are far more than what we think we are right now. We are ignorant even of ourselves, and having been a trained killer who is now a pacifist, I know individually we can change our minds quite fast, (if I can, anyone can) and if that is a common experience, that change of mind, we will adapt and survive.

If we give in to cynical thoughts and hold our vision of the world rigid, we will not.

Only time will tell.

(I think I will put this up on my blog. Sometimes the words just flow.)


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Raging Brains and Burning Hearts Newsletter

Subject: [Ragingbrains] Issue #4 Raging Brains and Burning
Hearts Newsletter
Date: 30 Dec 1999 20:07:23 -0000
From: "Roan Carratu"

The Raging Brains And Burning Hearts Newsletter
Copyright 1999, Roan Carratu
Vol One Issue Four

The topics of Raging Brains And Burning Hearts is world
transformation, futurist ideas, forerunner discussion,
alternative technology, intentional communities and
experiences within intentional communities, radical
scientific discoveries, and natural environmental events.
This newsletter may be copied and retransmitted by anyone
anywhere in any media as long as the content is not altered
in any way.
Some of the Principles of Large Scale Social Slavery.

Partial List of Rules for keeping a population enslaved:

Prime Strategy: To Conquer, Divide, To Keep Conquered, Keep
Divided (Call it 'government', 'corporations', 'special
'religions', 'nations', 'ethnic groups', 'races',
'economics', and many more) If applied with enough
distracting interrelated synergistic control systems, the
enslaved population can be any size whatsoever. An
effective slave system will be taken for granted by the
and their slavery not even noticed.

(Desired Result of Prime Strategy) To cause slaves to
conclude everything is unchangeable and anything they hear
is unbelievable...
Make slaves fear each other and fear cooperating in any way
outside the control systems... Make sure the slaves
intrinsically blame each
other cynically for everything that happens. (Call it 'human
nature' and make sure all believe it of others)
The REAL Conspiracy!

There are so many conspiracy theories going around, both on
the 'Net and on every other media in existence. People have
been going so apeshit over conspiracy theories that others
who do not have the fear and passion in their hearts which
feeds the proliferating theories, all conspiracies are
declared bogus and ridiculous.

But of course, most skeptics are just living their lives,
their problems purely personal, the news a virtual
entertainment that is little different than the horror shows
and talk shows, (sometimes indistinguishable from each
other) which also come to our living rooms on TV.

What's real to them is their paycheck producing jobs, then
their families, then their social interaction groups, like
churches, clubs, and suchlike. Everything outside that seems
just another made for TV movie, and of no importance in
their lives.

But are there real conspiracies? Well, when a bunch of
people go behind locked doors and make decisions to
eliminate your job, that would technically be a conspiracy,
and if a military group somewhere made plans to destroy you
and your family, that would certainly be a conspiracy. But
not all conspiracies are to destroy or end something
personal to you... the REAL conspiracy goes back almost
10,000 years, to a deduced incident somewhere on the
Eurasian continent, (Europe, Asia, Middle East) where a
tribe which had settled down to the new technology of
farming was enslaved by a tribe which was still living in
the ancient hunter-gatherer lifestyle. This was the first
time humans enslaved other humans, pretty much domesticating
them using terror, that is, the Hunter-gatherer tribe used
their weapons of hunting to kill and terrorize the
agricultural tribe, who had developed farming tools in place
of hunting tools.

This Hunter-gather tribe gained far more than just the food
and real wealth produced by the agricultural tribe... they
gained a physical leverage which meant they did not have to
hunt anymore, had personal slaves for sex and sadism, had
control of skilled laborers, and all they had to do was
scare the slaves into submission each generation. They
simply invented and applied technologies of control over the
centuries, gathering more slaves all the time, embedding
into culture itself the control structures until they were
considered even by the slaves as necessary and required.

This is the source of our modern world. Social control
algorithms are so totally embedded in everyone's deepest
thoughts until they are not perceivable by the mind as
control algorithms. Look around. Humans need shelter,
food, water, knowledge, love, respect, and something
relevant to do... these exist abundantly in our culture.
But, look at the conceptual overlay of these requirements...
Money, political power (backed by military power),
superficial morality, papers like the 'constitution',
advertising technologies, uniforms, nations, corporations,
agencies, propaganda overload... all of these are control
algorithms, so embedded in our minds that we cannot conceive
of a society without them... the common question I hear when
speaking of these algorithms is 'What would you replace them
with?'... and I have to reply, 'nothing, for they are not

Humans naturally cooperate. We have survived from the very
beginning of our existence, from prehistoric human precursor
species, through cooperation with one another. To be alone
was to die in the wild. It took more than any individual to
survive in pretechnological ages. The cultural algorithms
are not a natural evolution of that cooperation... in fact,
they are threatening our survival more than anything else.

The military is the oldest of subcultures, that is, they
are, as a separate 'cultural system', the direct descendants
of that Hunter-gatherer tribe. In the past, just a few
centuries ago, the 'King' was the top general of the
military, and 'King' is a military title. The King owned
everything in the domain he took by force. The people, the
land, the technology, all the resources, all of it
'belonged' to Him. He was 'divinely' ordained, often called
'GodKing', and his job was to keep and expand that kingdom.
But behind each of these GodKing were those who manipulated
Him, through access to knowledge and resources the King knew
nothing about. Dividing the world up in 'turfs', each with a
petty 'King' in competition with all the other 'Kings', kept
all the centers of power under the control of the background
'Owners' of the planet. The Kings felt safe with this, for
they got to make the 'laws' for their kingdoms, yet they
were not subject to those laws. They were absolute powers in
their kingdoms, even if they suspected that others
manipulated them.

The algorithms over the centuries have become more and more
psychological and symbolic, and less and less violent and
imposed. This was because technology required huge numbers
of slaves to develop it and apply it. The people, families,
behind the figurehead leaders of the world need not use
direct force much anymore. Symbols, backed by psychological
cultural algorithms, have provided more and more wealth in
the terms they value the most... not in controlling every
aspect of people's lives, that gains them little and ups the
ante in the game, but in the production and increasing
access to communication, technology, and peace. War is as
much a threat to them as to
anyone else now, since castles and even underground cities
would not be defense from modern weaponry.

But the algorithms are themselves a huge danger to the
Owners. They are killing the planet's ecosystem, which is
the ultimate source of life itself. This threat is cutting
through the algorithms in millions of people, and causing a
great search for meaning and methods to reverse the
destruction. But other algorithms block those searches, and
lead most people up blind alleys. For the Owners, this puts
them in a terrible place, because if people start seeing
through the social algorithms, they will lose their power
base, but if they squash the social dynamic which is sensing
the algorithms, then those algorithms will likely continue
to destroy the planet...

It is a basic of the 'Owners' subculture that power over
lives is the ultimate wealth, although they have given up
that aspect of power increasingly, allowing the layers of
social control algorithms to maintain control without direct
interaction. They just reap the benefits, while perceiving
the destruction growing at the same time. If they kill off
most of humanity, they will likely lose their benefits as
Owners, but if they just sit back and reap those benefits,
they will likely lose their benefits eventually as the
planetary ecosystem dies. The only choice they have, really,
is to alter the control algorithms or let them go.

Another part of this equation is the realization that the
wealth of the planet, amplified by accelerating technology,
is enough to make every human being on the planet just as
wealthy, in real terms, as they are. The Owners have a
social dynamic that they are superior and deserve everything
they want, exclusively. This subcultural concept is part of
what is causing their indecision, for if everyone in the
world has what they have, they are no longer exclusively
'Owners'. But to survive, they have to give up that
exclusivity, and let humanity break loose from the
algorithms and become free individuals in cooperative
self-chosen efforts.

Humanity is far more than it conceives itself to be, both as
individuals and as a species. The planetary ecosystem is
also far more than humanity conceives it to be. The reality
that we evolved from what we are thinking of as almost inert
and dumb, is contradictory. Our concepts don't commonly see
the world and each other as interactive and unified in real
terms... we cling to seeing each other as non-interactive
and separate, divided by concepts and symbols, and thus we
miss what brings us wealth even as the underlying reality of
our interaction and unity produces it.

Thus, the question becomes: Do we understand that we are
sovereign individuals and not a whit separate, that we
survive together even if our conceptual divisions are
insane, that all our systems; money, politics, religion, all
the social algorithms are threatening to destroy us even as
we must pursue the underlying unity that exists to sustain
us better than anyone now even imagines?

The Universe is understood only through two separate but
associated conceptual systems at once, one starting from the
individual and perceiving through ever greater synergistic
levels of complexity... and the other from the largest
perspective possible, Universe as One, and working it's way
down through all the smaller synergistic systems of ever
increasing complexity.

Perception, without filtering conception, is a clean window.
We each must use it to survive, keeping in mind that there
is no individual survival without the survival of everyone
and our common ecological body, the planet Earth.

Some Other Thoughts:
Worth saying again: If anything can be believed in, why
believe in anything? Why hold on to conceptual fantasies
when we walk around in a world so wondrous and beautiful
that no amount of words, thoughts, or images can fully
describe even a tiny portion of it.
To subscribe to this Newsletter email with Raging Brains in the subject line. I will add you to my group email list and you will get the next issue in your email. It's been a long time since I did an issue of RBBH, but I'm inspired to do another soon. Until then, please read my blogs;
Gaia's Superconscious
Relevant Patriotism
and Exquisite Synergy

The topics of Raging Brains And Burning Hearts is world transformation, futurist ideas, forerunner discussion, alternative technology, intentional communities and experiences within intentional communities, radical scientific discoveries, and natural environmental events.

This newsletter may be copied and retransmitted by anyone anywhere in any media as long as the content is not altered in any way.